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Export Drawings to DWF

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Export Drawings to DWF





Design Web Format (DWF) is a secure file format for the efficient distribution and communication of rich design data to anyone who needs to view, review, or print design files. Because DWF files are highly compressed, they are smaller and faster to transmit than design files, without the overhead associated with complex CAD drawings (or the management of external links and dependencies). With DWF functionality, publishers of design data can limit the specific design data and plot styles to only what they want recipients to see and can publish multisheet drawing sets from multiple AutoCAD drawings in a single DWF file. They can also publish 3D models from most design applications.

DWF files are not a replacement for native CAD formats such as AutoCAD drawings (DWG). The sole purpose of DWF is to allow designers, engineers, project managers, and their colleagues to communicate design information and design content to anyone needing to view, review, or print design information – without these team members needing to know AutoCAD or other design software.


To convert a drawing to DWF, follow the steps,

1. Open a drawing from File->Open or click the Open button on the toolbar.

2. Save the drawing by clicking the Save button on the toolbar or click from the menu File->Save As.

3. Select DWF from save as type drop list

4. Select Binary DWF, Compressed DWF, or ASCII DWF from the File Format drop list

4. Select a version as the specification for your DWF file to be created. Available options are version 4.2, version 5.5, and version 6.0

5.  Click Save button to confirm and save your drawing.


Note: When you choose Commpressed DWF as the output format, you cannot select 6.0 as the version number, for the simple reason that DWF v6.0 doesn't support storing contents in a compressed way.